Chapter One - Stop Praying
Do you "know something is wrong?" Have you ever read the New Testament and wondered if we in the modern American church are "missing it"? What might be some things that are missing or different from what we read in the Bible?
Our first answer is "Yes" something is wrong. We have read the New Testament and that is how we ended up in a RV. Do we wonder if the modern American church is missing it? Well, yes but I don't think that is anything new. Even the original disciples "missed it". Our travels have allowed us to visit and experience MANY churches throughout the country. It seems that the common missing piece is the Bible itself. It was enlightening and disgusting how many churches do not actually teach the bible. My personal opinion is that we do not have churches filled with actual Christians but rather people who live out Diesm in the name of Christianity.
Have you ever been in total awe of God? When?
Yes, many times. From the clearest, bluest water off a remote island in Fiji, to the tallest bamboo on a secluded hike on Maui to the first time I saw each one of my babies faces for the first time but the most recent memory I have is driving in the night across Nebraska into the biggest, most orange moon that I didn't know was actually the moon until it got so big that it was bigger then the earth in that moment.
Do you believe that God and science are at odds or supportive of one another? Why?
This one I love because it lets me ramble about one of my favorite things, Apologetics. I absolutely believe God and science are supportive of each other because I know science IS God's. I have spent hours researching creation. I have spent hours researching science. The more time I spend in either place the more proof I find that they belong to each other, no questions, without a doubt. I believe that the reason for the big search of the origin of life is because God is so much bigger then our limited human minds. Time is linear and recordable to us. We, as humans, have to have a beginning and an end to everything we do. We, as humans, have a very difficult time with God being always, past, present and future without an established beginning to God himself. I don't think what we are searching for is the truth to the origin of creation but rather the search is for the beginning of God.
What do you think of A.W. Tozer's quote "What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us"? Do you agree with this quote?
Yes. I agree with it. And I agree with it because the words that flood a persons mind are descriptive. The descriptive words that enter a persons mind when we think about God actually tells us what we actually think about God. It reveals what we think we know about him. It reveals our opinion of him. It almost never reveals the truth of him.
What does it really mean when we say God is "holy"?
Well, as the previous question lined out for us, descriptive words start popping out which reveals exactly who I think God is. Complete, perfect, pure. Unattainable also sneaks in there. It used to mean to me a God who is unapproachable and militant. I used to have an illusive self-image and therefor an dis-illusioned image of God. When I learned about myself the same words show up but now they portray a different definition. Complete, perfect, pure, and unattainable now mean not like me. I am not unlike anyone else, I desire what I don't have. I do not have completeness, perfection, and purity and the only way to attain it is by God through Christ. I crave God and Jesus because they are those things.
Read Hebrews 4:13 aloud. God is all-knowing. How could that be comforting in some ways? How is that an uncomfortable truth for us?
Hebrews 4:13 "Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account."
I find this comforting because unlike people, God cannot be disappointed in me. There is safety and comfort in that. He can be dis-pleased with me but not disappointed. Disappointment is a response to a result that revealed itself to be unfavorable. He already knows the result. However, it is an uncomfortable truth because I, like everyone, have made some moves that I wish would go away. You all reading this don't know what these moves are but God does. Thats embarrassing.
Read Colossians 1:16 aloud. Why do you personally believe people are here? Why are you here?
Colossians 1:16 "For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him"
Well, the first "Christian" answer to that is to glorify him. But I believe that any casual church attendee has that one in their arsenal. So what really is the question, "what is my purpose" or "how do I fit in to this equation"? It isn't about fitting in and finding our destiny. I think the question gets unnecessarily complicated. All I have to do is look at the last part of that verse, "by him and for him". Remember the story of creation? God enjoyed creating the things of this universe. He created it because he liked it. I think we were created like a piece of art that is relational and interactive for God to enjoy. As far as why I am here, well, to interact with God other then that only God knows. What I do know is that I am here and I don't have to be. I am here because God put me here and he didn't have to. I am here because he said so. That is where I understand what it means to glorify God, because he didn't have to put me here at all.
Read Daniel 4:35 aloud. Does God owe you an explanation? Why or why not?
Daniel 4:35 "All the peoples of the earth are regarded as nothing. He does as he pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of earth. No one can hold back his hand or say to him: 'what have you done?' ".
Does God owe me an explanation? Yeah...that would be a big no. Antagonistic to what popular culture would like to believe, we answer to God, he doesn't answer to us.
Has this chapter changed your view of God? If so, how?
Yes. Everyday that I immerse myself in scripture, godly companions or edifying tools like this book, I have my view of God changed. My understanding of God is progressive. When it isn't, then I have a problem. But specific to this chapter is the point on disappointment. That has taken me a long time to come to understand. Thank the Lord for his patience :)
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